Assist trading platform update

Assist trading platform

At Commercial Express, we strive for continuous improvement, in particular when it comes to our system Assist – the online broker trading platform so that we can do our best to ensure our brokers have the best experience when trading with us.

We are pleased to announce that Assist has recently been given a facelift, to create an improved journey, and refreshed, transformed contemporised aesthetics.

It is now in line with the rest of the company brand, with the aim to make it sleek and broaden its appeal by using photography images and replacing the previous icons and making it easy to identify products.

This will also make for a superior user journey as it is clearer and easier to navigate through the pages.

A new online user guide has been developed to help with any questions that brokers may have when using Assist.

This guide will help you how to create a quote, edit a quote, hold cover, create and MTA and much more – all you need to know.

We hope you enjoy using the refreshed and new look Assist platform.

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