Both commission and premium queries should be raised through the online ceStatement of account.
For example:
If you are in ‘items to pay’ and do not agree with the amount due, left click anywhere on the policy information. This will provide a more detailed breakdown of the premium.

If you still feel the Commission or Premium is incorrect, click query at the top of the page. This will open a page where you can enter the details of the query. Use the drop down options as shown in the examples below.

The query will then be submitted to the relevant credit controller. The credit controller will add a response to the query which in turn generates an email back to you.
Additional Users
The main user of ceStatement will need to submit a request for any additional users. To request an additional user to ceStatement select Manage Users on the home page.

Once selected click Add User to enter the new user’s details. Click Submit.

Once submitted this request is emailed to our accounts team who will arrange for the user to be added.
The new user should expect an email within 48 hours to register and set up a password for ceStatement.