Meet the Team: Kieran Jones, Renewals Underwriter

Meet the Team

Today, we’d like you to meet Kieran Jones, one of our dedicated Renewals Underwriters. With a rich background in the insurance industry, Kieran is passionate about providing exceptional service to clients and devloping strong relationships with our broker partners. Let’s dive into his journey and insights!

Can you describe your role and what a typical day looks like for you?

As a Renewals Underwriter at Commercial Express, my primary responsibility is to review risks presented to me, ensure the accuracy of the information, and achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients. A typical day involves prioritising tasks through various workflows and effectively managing my time to allocate maximum focus to each case. Much of my day is spent liaising with our broker partners and insurers to better understand risks, ensuring that we offer suitable coverage tailored to each client’s needs.

Can you share your career path in the insurance industry and what brought you to Commercial Express?

I began my journey in the insurance industry in November 2013 as a sales agent for a motor trade insurance broker. This role gave me a foundational understanding of the importance of accurate information to secure suitable coverage for clients. I later transitioned to the personal lines team and then to the motor trade renewals team, which allowed me to appreciate the significance of business retention and introduced me to the world of underwriting. After spending eight years at my previous firm, I joined Commercial Express in January 2022 as a Property Underwriter. Since then, I have honed my skills and expanded my knowledge, transitioning to the role of Liability Underwriter in November 2023. Over these past two years, I’ve built strong relationships with brokers and insurers, gaining expertise in both the property and liability markets.

What upcoming projects or initiatives at Commercial Express will you be working on?

I am currently working toward my Cert CII qualification while expanding my role to encompass Property New Business and Existing Business, as well as servicing Liability Existing Business.

What achievements are you most proud of since joining Commercial Express?

My proudest achievement has to be receiving the Employee of the Year award in 2023, just a year after I joined the company. This recognition was unexpected but incredibly fulfilling, as it showed that my efforts had not gone unnoticed and reinforced my sense of value within the team.

What distinguishes Commercial Express from other MGAs?

In my view, the culture sets Commercial Express apart. We create a true team mentality. Many underwriters here are multi-licensed, allowing us to support each other during peak times or staff absences. This collaborative approach is encouraged by management and ensures that our service remains seamless. My experience with other MGAs often showed a more linear structure, which can lead to service breakdowns. At Commercial Express, we’re all equipped to assist, so you’re likely to connect with the right person on your first try.

Who has been a significant mentor or influence in your career?

I’ve been fortunate to have numerous supervisors, team leaders, and managers who have invested time in my development. Each has been influential in providing me with the skills necessary to excel in my role.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work, I love spending time with my family. After a busy week, it’s important for me to maximise my time with those who matter most. I also enjoy going to the gym regularly, as it provides a great mental outlet.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting in your field, what would it be?

My advice would be to take your time and ask plenty of questions. Many people hesitate to ask questions for fear of bothering their peers. I experienced this too, but asking questions is vital for increasing your knowledge and shows your willingness to learn, ultimately boosting your confidence.

If you could learn any new skill or hobby, what would it be and why?

I’ve always wanted to learn to play an instrument. I own an acoustic guitar that’s collecting dust in my loft, and I believe that learning to play would be a therapeutic outlet to express myself through music.

If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

I would love to have dinner with Ozzy Osbourne, as his life experiences would provide fascinating stories. David Attenborough would be another choice; his insights into the natural world are something I’ve always found captivating. Finally, Queen Elizabeth II, who was a strong matriarch during challenging times, would make for an interesting conversation partner, providing a unique perspective on her devotion to duty while remaining approachable.

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