Meet the team – Paul Ingleby, UK Sales Manager

Paul Ingleby

Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Paul Ingleby, our UK Sales Manager. With a career spanning over three decades, Paul brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm to the team. In this blog, Paul shares his journey in the insurance industry, his proudest achievements, and a few personal insights that make him the vibrant leader he is today.

Can you share your career path in the insurance industry and what brought you to Commercial Express?

I left school in 1989 and enrolled in a local Youth Training Scheme (YTS) office. I accidentally fell into the insurance industry when I was offered an interview at a Life Assurance company based in Petersfield. During the interview, they were impressed and wanted to take me on permanently rather than keeping me on the YTS. A few months later, with redundancy looming, my manager moved to Zurich and took me along. I spent many years there in various roles, gaining invaluable experience. Following another redundancy in 2000, I moved between a couple of brokers. In 2009, when the broker I was with ran into financial difficulties and threatened a three-day work week (which I couldn’t afford), I put my CV on a local job site. An agent called and mentioned Commercial Express. I travelled to the Midlands for an interview, and the rest is history. I had always admired the Zurich Business Development Managers and aspired to that type of role. Although I initially interviewed internally without success, the stars eventually aligned, and here I am.

What upcoming projects or initiatives at Commercial Express will you be working on?

I’m currently working on an exclusive scheme for the sprinkler industry in collaboration with one of our Broker Partners. This project is nearing its final stages of development, and I’m excited to see it come to fruition.

What achievements are you most proud of since joining Commercial Express?

I’ve been fortunate to enjoy some great wins since joining Commercial Express. Building a new scheme that has achieved over £1.5 million, winning Employee of the Year twice and Team of the Year once, and receiving an exclusive Movo award for my customer service are all highlights. However, my proudest achievement would be building a solid and successful team of Key Account Managers from the ground up, who are significantly contributing to the success we are currently enjoying.

What distinguishes Commercial Express from other MGAs?

Many things set Commercial Express apart, but what stands out the most is our ability to listen to our brokers. We’re not just offering a one-size-fits-all solution; we’re willing to amend, tweak, and improve our offerings based on individual broker feedback to ensure they have the products they need for their clients.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m a keen runner and generally like to keep fit. I’m a member of my local running group and the City of Portsmouth Athletics Club, where I’ve participated (not so successfully) in both track and road events. While my best days are behind me, I’m usually training for some event or another during the year.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting in your field, what would it be?

Just be yourself. Always listen and make an effort to understand things from the other side of the fence. Empathy and authenticity go a long way in this industry.

If you could learn any new skill or hobby, what would it be and why?

I’d love to learn how to play the guitar. I was fairly musical as a child but didn’t continue developing that ability. I’ve tried and failed many times to learn as an adult, but now I find that I just don’t have the time or patience.

If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

I’d choose Sylvester Stallone, Prince, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. They’re all icons in their respective fields, and I think dinner with them would be incredibly inspiring and entertaining.

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